Saturday, 30 January 2016

Zest Joy Gratitude

Long before those words became overly intertwined with the so-called [New Age] “journey of enlightenment”…and soap, they had other, truer meanings. I was reminded very well and very timely of that today, at a funeral no less. To live life with zest, joy, and gratitude is not always an easy commitment; at times, it can be a challenge far beyond our reach – physically, mentally, emotionally. Yet it is always within our grasp, even if ever so tiny. Let us make more time to find and create those moments that bring zest to life, surround ourselves with those people (and pets!) who give us joy, and share our gratitude by encouraging others to do the same. So reach out, grab a virtual mitten-full of goodies (suitable for all dietary needs), and go forth!